More than a month has elapsed since our last update but another one is coming… A new feature has added and a lot of bug fixes, too. What is the new feature?
WishOnList meets Twitter! Some weeks ago, I realized our app was a little “closed” and I started thinking how to open it, making it more social. I usually talk with my followers and I say them something I would like to buy, my wishes.
Then the idea to add a sharing feature was born and now it is a reality.
Using this new feature, three situations could happen.
By default, when I decide to share an object, a defined message with the link of the wish will be sent to our Twitter timeline. I advise to use an URL shortener so the link of the wish will be shortened before being sent. However you can’t also use it but when you’re sending a tweet, if your message is too long, you will receive a forbidden error.
These are the first two situations and the third is when a wish hasn’t got a link. In this case, the name of the with will be shared with the defined message. Last case is a little more static than the other ones.
The version 1.2 also brings a lot of bug fixes and performance optimization making WishOnList faster and reactive, too. Some improvements about sharing by mail feature has been made like a new default text with more information about the wish.
Finally, this update has been sent to Apple and will be live on the App Store next week, I hope. In the meantime, you can come back here or you can follow us on Twitter where I usually write about update states, reviews and many other… And sometimes, I will also share some promo codes to download WishOnList for free! 🙂